Thornhill Office Park, Midrand

Transform voice of the customer data into operational improvements

Download our research report: Operationalise customer feedback in your contact centre

Much research has been conducted over the last 20 years or so that has highlighted the importance of the contact centre not only in offering functional value to customers, but also doing so in a way that positively impacts customer experience. A recent Gartner research article highlighted VOC in the contact centre as an essential part of any customer experience programme since it provides vital insight into customer needs and perspectives. Gartner further emphasised that while capturing customer feedback is important, many organisations struggle with operationalising the data gathered, either because the platform selected does not enable this, or by not implementing internal processes to support such.

The operationalisation of contact centre VOC data hinges on one key aspect – the ability to react to poor service delivery, and then understand the causes of such in order to effect change. A simple enough concept, but often harder to implement than expected.

This eBook details 3 steps that will help you transform voice of the customer data into operational improvements.

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